Ziyuan Feng
I am a senior undergraduate in Fudan University, majored in computer science and technology.
I am interested in natural language processing with machine learning techniques.
I am a member of the Fudan NLP research group supervised by Xipeng Qiu, focusing on the development of modern NLP system.
Senior project:
- fastNLP: A modular Natural Language Processing(NLP) system for fast development of NLP models.
Side projects:
- Matrix Toolbox: A C++ library for efficient matrix computation with parallel algorithms.
- CharLM: The reproduction of Character-Aware Neural Language Models in PyTorch.
- Decomposability of Normal Distribution: A detailed proof of how a normally distributed sum of random variables gives each random variable normally distributed.
Course projects:
- Solutions to binary imbalanced classification: The final essay in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning course, which studies a series of methods to solve binary classification problem over extremely imbalaced datasets.
- Finding Pulsar: The final project of the Pattern Recognition course. Detect pulsars with machine learning techniques on astronomical datasets.
- Secret Chat: A chat room implemented by socket programming and HTTPS-level encryption, which is the final project of Computer Network course.
- Language Evoluation: A possible solution to problem B of the Mathematical Contest in Modeling in 2018.
- Little Angel: A cross-domain recommendation system in Hack x FDU 2017 (Hackathon). Recommend movies and music based on users' comments, with the help of IBM cognitive service.
Notes & Articles:
Machine learning:
Programming languages: